Today, one of the more popular financial instruments is a credit card. A credit card that never charges the customary yearly charge is known as a lifetime-free credit card. Although there isn’t exactly a yearly membership fee, they might demand a certain amount for additional amenities like providing a paper copy of the itemized invoice or for meeting other requirements to receive the credit card.
Nevertheless, candidates must provide evidence of their earnings to be approved for credit cards. There could occasionally be no evidence of revenue or petitions might be denied because of low earnings. There are, nevertheless, alternatives for getting a credit card lacking showing evidence of earnings. Fixed deposit accounts are among the most widely used methods.
Selecting the Best Lifetime Free Credit Card: A Selection Process:
Since the evaluation is focused on free cards, each component is unique to those cards and shouldn’t be assessed against those of paid cards. What follows are the elements that went into rating these cards:
- Cards ought to be selected depending on the advantages they offer in real-time rather than those that can be obtained through hacking them.
- Payments on cards shouldn’t be unexpected.
- The rules and regulations shouldn’t be too onerous
- The cards must be easy to operate and straightforward in terms of the benefits they offer.
- The quantity of accessible additional functions has also been taken into account.
How Does Anyone Register For A Credit Card With No Annual Fee?
By going to the internet site of the credit card issuer or an associated business, one may apply for a credit card with no yearly fee. If the candidate lacks a strong technological background, he may go to a bank location that offers the requested card. You may also dial the toll-free lines to schedule an appointment with a credit card representative.
Aqua Gold Credit Card from Kotak Mahindra:
One of the biggest lenders in the nation, Kotak Mahindra Bank, offers its clients a wide selection of credit cards with different benefits. Aqua Gold Credit Card was one such credit card. Clients with Kotak fixed deposits are the only ones who can use this credit card.
The FD amount governs additional conditions including the credit limit. The credit card’s credit limit has been established at 80% of the total value of the initial deposits and it comes with a complimentary credit card for a lifetime.
To be eligible for the credit card, TD’s minimal deposit amount must be no less than Rs. 25,000.
Specifications and qualifications for the Aqua Gold Credit Card from Kotak Mahindra
- The candidate must be a citizen of India between the ages of 18 and 75.
- Both enrolling and yearly costs are waived.
- By using their balance transferring feature, candidates can avoid paying high-interest rates on additional credit cards. For every Rs. 10,000, a fee of Rs. 349 is assessed.
- For up to 48 days, clients may withdraw funds without paying a charge.
- A greater credit limit of Rs. 12 lakhs is included with the cards.
- Users earn four free PVR tickets or a cashback of Rs. 750 for spending Rs. 1,50,000 in a year.
Axis Bank’s Insta Easy Credit Card:
Clients can obtain the credit card right away without providing any kind of revenue documentation, as the name implies. Consumers must have a fixed deposit with Axis Bank between Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 25 lakhs to be qualified for the Insta Easy Credit Card. The credit card, nevertheless, is not accessible in conjunction with tax-saving FDs, Flexi-deposits, and fixed deposits held in the names of HUFs, communities, or businesses.
There is no need for further identifying or residence documentation because these will match the information held by the bank.
There are no initiation fees or regular annual fees associated with the card. The cost of replacing a card is also reimbursed.
Bank of Baroda’s Assure Credit Card:
Customers of Bank of Baroda’s fixed deposits are given access to the Assure Credit Card. Consumers can apply for a credit card without providing evidence of earnings and can use their fixed deposit as collateral.
Clients of banks may withdraw all of their available credit in a crisis.
The need for a credit card is shared by waged and self-employed people who operate in diverse industries. Credit cards have many advantages, and institutions now provide specialized credit cards designed for various demographics.
If credit providers have turned you down because you lack sufficient income verification. Be at ease. You can use these credit cards to make purchases to satisfy your desires and to save money.